All MVSC Premier Rec players will need a uniform kit that includes:
To order, go to
The price of a uniform kit is not included in the registration fee, and must be purchased online through
All players must wear shin guards underneath socks. Soccer cleats are recommended, but sneakers are allowed. Baseball or football cleats are not allowed.
HOME team wears RED and VISITOR wears WHITE.
RE-USE/RECYCLE: MVSC encourages re-use and recycling of uniforms whenever possible. Any red and/or white jersey from past seasons is welcome.
Jewelry may NOT be worn (i.e., earrings, watches, loose jewelry, rings, bracelets etc), which might jeopardize the health or safety of any player on the field. If you have plans to pierce your child's ears, you are strongly encouraged to do so at least 6 weeks before the start of the soccer season. Starter studs are not allowed, and a player must remove them to participate in either practices or games.
Water Bottle
Children are strongly encouraged to bring a water bottle to every practice and game. Bottles should be marked with names.